So is Felix.
He got to be the first to try out our new sheep deck chair today.
The Man built it from used T-posts, an old Navy mesh laundry bag, and a bunch of zip ties.
(such a clever guy!)
It worked out pretty well, except we probably need to make the seat a little deeper.
Couple of those sheepers have bigger tushes than we approximated.
Think it’s going to make keeping a close eye on those hooves a little easier.
And here are some of the boys coming back after their turn in the sling to take a closer look-
Many of the hooves are still separated. Some look a little better, others don’t appear to have changed at all.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading, and it looks to me that what we’ve got going on can best be described as “Shelly Toe”.
Thing is,,there isn’t really any conclusive info on what causes it. Seems most often people say its a result of neglecting the hooves.
That keeping them trimmed them up solves the problem. But these guys don’t have overgrown, unkempt hooves. And they’re only 5-6 months old. Some people say that it’s somewhat hereditary. But I don’t think that any of their parents had this problem.
I think it must be something (or lack of something) in the environment that must be causing it.
So, I’m looking into getting our soil and forage tested.
Maybe once we have a better idea of what all the inputs are, we can develop a game plan.
In brighter news-
I’ve got about 70-75% of a sweater
And managed to get some spinning done this week as well-
Left to right: Shetland/alpaca, mystery wool, and random leftovers drum-carded into submission.