Author: denisemor

Fencing Progress

Day 4 of our fencing adventure started slowly.

We were already pretty sore and tired from the labors of the last three days,

and it was a foggy and rainy morning.

We geared up and headed out to the pasture, and set about drilling a hole for yet another H brace.

And man-o-man was it a bugger.

Rocks. Big rocks. Pretty much the whole way down.

Hole from Hell

And the hole digging had been going so well yesterday.

But we got through it. And spent the rest of the day tearing out old


Hauling off the old

clearing the fenceline

Weed Whackin

and installing the new

Far side north pasture

Amazing how much time and energy this takes.

We’re getting there. Slowly but surely.

Gotta go rest up for tomorrow.

Fencing Vacation (with Shearing Breaks)


Ok, I hadn’t mentioned this on the blog before, but this week we are on vacation.

An intensive fencing vacation.

We didn’t do any fencing Saturday, so today was day three.

It’s going well, but even with the tractor’s help (which is substantial) it is mighty hard work, and we’re pretty pooped.

We’ve got the stretch along the front of our property done yesterday, and this afternoon we put in another three-post corner, after spending some considerable time clearing the fenceline  of offending shubbery.

But this morning, I got to help out with shearing over at Schoonover Farm!

Arrived at 10am, and the sheep were already penned up and ready to rumble.


The shearer (whose name I don’t remember) did a amazing job- it took all of 2 hours to do maybe 30 sheep?







I mostly held sheep after shearing and helped get them into the sling thingee so Donna could do hoof trimming and vaccinations.



Doesn’t Lewis look happy?


Was a lot of fun, a great learning experience, and I got a fleece for my efforts!



Not sure of the name on this guy. He’s a moorit yearling wether.

What a great day!

Will have pics of fencing progress tomorrow-

No Sheep Yet, but

We’ve got chickens!

Baby chickens, anyway:


3 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Gold Sex Link

Here’s the little chickie setup in the shop:



They are definitely more alert and active than when they first got home.
Yesterday they were just “peeping”. Today they are really “cheeping”!

And while they are eating and drinking and cheeping and growing, The Man is working on their permanent accommodations:

Chicken tractor in progress

When it’s done, it will look pretty much like this-


Neat, eh?