Big sheep weekend!
First off, I went to help with shearing day at Schoonover Farm on Friday-
It was a good time, and I came away from it with a lovely medium-dark brown fleece from a wether named Coco:
Then today was sheep maintenance day here at home-
We did hooves, CDT vaccines, dewormer, and CoSeCure boluses
And then I hung on to Felix so we could relieve him of his winter coat.
I almost got done. But he’s still got a hula skirt hanging low on his ample hips 🙂
And as for the Peeps-
Meet the Guinea girls!
They are just little- about 4 weeks old, and so a re too little to go into the pasture with the sheep and chickens,
so we’ve made them a little pen under the eaves of our old dilapidated chicken house.
They have a heat lamp in there, so hopefully they will be nice and comfy hanging out there while they gain some size and strength.
Welcome Peeps!