Author: denisemor

Sampling & Swatching

The weather outside is frightful (very cold and soggy, changing to snow as I’m writing this), so I’ve been mostly hiding inside this weekend doing wool stuff 🙂

On Friday John (The Shepherd for whom I knit a vest back in Sept-Oct) handed off to me some lovely marbled roving that he’d like spun up and knit into a sample piece (probably a scarf). So it was nice to have some time to dive right into that!

It’s a total of 9.1 oz, and I thought it’s take about a half and ounce for a test spin to see what it wanted to be yarn-wise.

Was interesting working from roving- because it’s not my usual mode. It spun up pretty fine on Elsa, and I got about 43 yards of fingerling weight 2-ply out of the half ounce sample. Here is a swatch I worked up out of some of it-

Specs- size 2 needles, gauge= 5.5 st/inch, 9 rows/inch

So that was fun- and it got me in a sampling mood. Then I thought about the other class I’m teaching at the Expo this year: Wool Processing.

I’d just washed up a bunch of Esther’s 2019 fleece, and it occurred to me that it might be nice to use her fleece as a case study for the class.

I’ve still got a small amount of her unwashed fleece, and so would be able to show examples of her fiber at all stages of processing. So I picked, carded, combed, and spun some of her wool up into woolen and worsted sample yarns.

woolen on top, worsted on bottom (easier to tell them apart in person)

It will be nice to have samples for the same fleece in all the different stages of prep- and show how that prep results in different yarn characteristics!

On Teaching Spinning

Spent more time this week spinning Dottie singles on Elsa.

a darker shade of Dottie

And it’s gotten me thinking about the upcoming WSU Country Living Expo, and the classes I’ll be teaching. Particularly the spinning class.

It’s a two-hour class. In the first hour we generally go over the wheels that students have brought to class and make sure that they are set up to spin (drive bands, brake bands, yarn leaders, tension adjustments, alignment issues, lubrication). We also go over general wheel mechanics, and the basics of yarn structure.

In the second hour we get hands (and feet) on the wheels and start playing with wool. It’s always a bit daunting for folks, so usually we start with treadling, making sure that everything is moving smoothly, and that they are able to find a comfortable rhythm that they can sustain without taking up much of their focus.

Then we move on to the hands. For beginners, I find that the hardest part is getting the hands to keep us with the feet. There is a tendency to want to hold on tightly to the wool and not let it draft. So in past years I’ve introduced an exercise that I think is helpful to get a feel for how the hands need to move to keep up with the feet.

I give everyone a substantial length of sacrificial yarn to “spin” onto their bobbin, permitting them to sense how quickly the spin is entering the fiber, and how strong the take-up is.

When they think they are ready, we move on to drafting from carded batts (probably Esther, and easy-spinning girl with nice long staple length)

getting Esther cleaned up for the Expo!

This is always a major leap. Drafting is really the meat of the subject, but it’s something that only really comes together with practice, and familiarity with the fiber. And there’s only so much of that you can squeeze into a two-hours class.

So, I’d like to ask those of you who are spinners- what was most helpful to you when you were first learning to spin? I’d really appreciate any hints or strategies that you think might be helpful getting newbies started and building their confidence.

Thanks in advance for you input, and have a great week! 🙂

Back Behind the Wheel

Spent a little quality time with Elsa this week

And turned out probably about 500 yards of Dottie’s lightest silver shade.

I’ve got most of her 2019 fleece left, so I thought I’d separate it out into maybe three different shades and spin it all up so it will be project-ready.

I hadn’t spun all that much on Elsa yet, so spent a little time getting her all adjusted and lubricated, but then she just flew! Was so nice to get back behind the wheel and just let the wool flow through my hands. Almost like meditating.

And out in the pasture it was a beautiful day- almost 50 degrees!

I took the christmas tree out to the sheep, and they seemed to enjoy the piney treat.

Dottie’s 2020 fleece is shaping up to be really lovely- and darker than previous years from what I can tell. Tried to get a closeup to share today but she wasn’t having any of it.

Frank and Felix fleeces are also looking nice- so maybe we’ve gotten their itchy skin issues sorted out (?) So far they don’t look like they’re felting like they have in the past (fingers crossed that it holds into the spring!).

I’ll sign off for 2019 with a little bit of gratuitous chicken footage

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

Home Sweet Home

Sorry I missed y’all last week- I was away in Florida doing some pre-holiday visiting.

Now I’m back, but am kind of too wiped out to do much Christmas prep.

So if you’re someone who would normally get a Christmas card from me, sorry in advance. Probably not going to happen.

I got a tiny tree up

But that’s about as far as it’s going I think. I had this fleeting thought that I might do another batch of gingerbread for local consumption over Christmas and New Year’s, but the opportunity has passed.

I am very happy to be home with The Man and our critters, and thankful to be looking forward to a low-key holiday of knitting by the glow of the pellet stove

Textured Lace Cowl, cast on for my trip last week-

After that, perhaps I’ll have the energy to focus on some new year’s resolutions…..

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas 🙂