This week I got down to business with the vest project.

I’m about 5 inches in now, and getting comfortable with the twisted stitch pattern. It’s a nice a symmetrical, repeating pattern, and doesn’t require a cable needle. win win win. 🙂 Feels really good to have that underway.
Also playing around with making garland from locks of wool-

It’s kind of fun. Just stripping out narrow locks and crocheting them together into a continuous line. Seems pretty stable so far, but if necessary I figure I can run some yarn through it afterwards.
Also made some more felt this weekend of Felix fleece from a few years ago that wasn’t a particularly good candidate for spinning. Not sure if I’ll have a chance to make any more puppets this season, but nice to have a stash of felt ready to play with.
I learned a few things this year that has really helped make my wet felting process more manageable (and less exhausting)- 1. using a piece of chiffon (or other suitable fabric or netting) to hold fibers in place during wetting and initial agitation and rolling, and 2. a new rolling method that has really saved my back.
Sharing this video here in case it’s of help to anyone else- the rolling method starts at about 3 minutes in
Finally, here is a cool random thing I found out in the yard yesterday evening-

A complete, intact snakeskin, about 2 feet long, including the head! Wild, eh?

Somewhere on our property is a snake sporting a fresh new outfit 🙂