Author: denisemor

Signed, Seamed and Delivered.

Shadow is officially done.



IMG_3273 (Medium)

And its a good fit! I am so pleased.

First sweater knit entirely of wool from my very own guys. Way to go Edgar and Griff! 🙂

In other news, I finally did something with all those neat little quinces that our tree produced this year!


After doing a little research online, I decided to go with processing them into quince paste, aka Membrillo.


It seems that Manchego cheese is the perfect match for the quince paste, and I thought that was mighty cool, since it is a sheep milk cheese. So I set about finding some!


Oh yeah. Just the right thing.
Big yum.

Some Assembly (still) Required

But the hardest part is done.


Only straight seams left- one sleeve and the two sides.

I feel pretty good about having tried something new. Something that was a little outside my comfort zone.
And I also feel pretty good about how it’s turning out.

Here’s a side shot-

It’s nice to know that I can actually follow a pattern if I have a mind to 🙂

Might not make my self-imposed Thanksgiving deadline, but it will be close.

It’s really seeming like winter here recently. Got down to 20F last night (which is pretty dang cold for us)
So right now everything is frosty and crunchy.
And while it’s kind of a pain that the chicken and sheeps’ water is icing over, it’s kind of nice that the yard isn’t squishy.

I guess freezing weather does hold some advantages.

And it makes for nice crisp, wintery photos-

Three Sisters, on the way up Hwy 9


Lyman Ridge (behind our little orchard)


Frosty sheeps munch munch munching


Sadie going long for a frozen apple


And Walla inexplicibly zoomin’ round and round the garden beds


Guess the chill and the crunchiness really gets the pups charged up!

I think I can. I think I can.

It’s knitted.

shadow pieces

And blocked.

And ready to rock 🙂

So this morning I started in on sewing it up.

First I did a little research online on preferred techniques.

Then I worked up some courage and set out to sew the first shoulder seam.


I think it turned out pretty well. But it wasn’t as straightforward as expected.
I mean, I get the grafting idea.
But somehow the purls really threw me.
The shoulder edge stitches were purls.

Yeah, tricky.

Once I finally got it figured out, I probably should have gone on and done the other shoulder seam, but I was anxious to give the sleeve a try.

Here’s the setup-

shadow Shoulder pre-seaming

Now the sleeve is an interesting challenge.
It’s part graft, part mattress stitch, sometimes at the same time.
Each stitch is a judgement call, because you’re working on a curve.


Then I found that taking a picture of a should seam is almost as hard as sewing it.

Shadow Sleeve seam

But I guess if you can’t really see it, then it’s good, right?

Shadow is now half-sleeved!

That’s where I left it today.

So far so good.

Frosted Mini Sheeps

(they’re not so “mini” anymore, but I couldn’t resist)

Yep, it’s that time of year again.
Sheeps’ water freezing overnight and all.

But the boys don’t seem to be feeling the chill.


They were out and about this morning in the crisp sunshine, nice and toasty underneath their frosty fleeces.


I just love Felix’s freckles.


Does anyone else think that Edgar kind of looks like he’s going for a Bret Boone surfer-guy thing with the sun-bleached tips?


Just sayin’.

Shadow is coming along nicely


So far so good. Hoping to have the knitting done by next post!

And I’ve got about 350 yards of Chone/Spike yarn worked up, so I can get a start on the next sweater project without delay-


Feels good to have a plan 🙂