Author: denisemor

Walkin’ the sheeps

Got the boys a playground ball today, thinking that perhaps they could use some diversion out in the pasture, since they have so much leisure time.
But they didn’t seem to know what to make of it, we did some halter training instead.

For the first time ever sheep got to go out of the pasture on a field trip!
I thought we could walk around the yard, enjoy some unfamiliar grass, and then stop around back where there is a bunch of ivy growing (they love ivy).

Edgar is really my go-to guy for this kind of stuff.
He is so cooperative and just loves the attention. So I slipped on the halter and away we went.


He walked like a champ. Wish I had a video of it. We walked around the yard, and over to the orchard, and back to the ivy, where we stopped to let him much for a while.

Munch munch munch.


Here’s some shots from Chone’s turn-


with everyone from kitty to chickens (in the bushes to the right, where you can’t see them) in attendance to see why in the world the sheep are out of the pasture!


Chone was a little too nervous to enjoy the ivy so much, but did pretty good, considering that Wally was heckling him the whole time.

And here’s Edgar, talking me into giving him another go-


I’m such a sucker for a sweet sheep 🙂

Three Bags Full

Finished up the last three guys this weekend!

It all went pretty smoothly,, but my back and legs are really shot.

Here is Griff making his wool donation-


(And Edgar making sure that Griff doesn’t get all the attention.)



Freshly shorn, with the next volunteers waiting in the shed behind


Short video of Felix’s haircut in progress:


And all the boys in their birthday suits:



That wasn’t so bad, right guys?

Here are some samples from the harvest:

All the boys

Clockwise from bottom left: Griff, Chone, Edgar, Felix/Frank (they are pretty much the same, and got jumbled together)

Neat, eh? I was thinking that Griff and Edgar were pretty much the same color, but it turns out that underneath, Griff is a much more walnuty-smokey brown, where Edgar is a more  reddish tone. Griffs is also a bit shorter and crimpier, where Edgar’s is more wavy. Hurray for variety!

I combed up a little bit of Felix and Chone this afternoon.


I’m mighty anxious to take this for a test spin,, but there are just not enough hours in the weekend.

New ‘Dos for Sheeps

So, finally here are some post-haircut photos of Edgar:



He seems so happy with his new ‘do, and he’s been super friendly since our bonding experience last weekend.

So, I thought I’d try Chone next.

He’s a friendly little guy, but has less of an attention span Edgar, so I had to take it in stages.
Here he is in the ballerina stage:


Silly, eh?


I finally got the rest off of him today, and now he is naked and lumpy like Edgar.

Also got a start on Felix. Just the neck and chest so far. But it looks like he’ll be a good cooperator.

I have to say, I’m really glad I decided to shear the guys myself.
Would have been a lot faster to have someone come out, and the fleeces would probably be a lot better (not in hunks and chunks), but I am really enjoying harvesting all this wonderful wool from the boys. It’s been a good experience so far-

Here are some samples of the goods they guys have donated:


That’s Felix on the left and Chone on the right.
Both about 5.5-6″. Chone’s fleece has quite a bit of veg in it,, but I was expecting that, and plan to comb it.

I’ve gotten most of Edgar’s fleece washed up already- here it is fresh off the drum carder-


And all swatched up-


Wally has suggested that I use the fleece knit him an “Edgar suit”, so he could go undercover.
But I think his ears would give him away.


Other suggestions?

Will Work For Fleece

It’s been a good weekend.
Always helps when you have a couple extra days.

I really should do that more often.

Thursday I went over to Schoonover Farm to help with their shearing.
I always jump at the chance to help with something like this, because it’s a great opportunity to learn (and earn a really nice fleece!)

This year I chose Spike.
Here he is being shorn:


The fleece:



And the first yarn:


Mmmm mmmmm good.
Good show, Spike!

Saturday, we did our sheep maintenance routine- hooves, deworming, and administering the CoSeCure boluses for the first time.
It was a bit hairy, getting the boluses down them, until we developed a technique,, but they all got done. And it doesn’t look like anyone has spit them up, so I think we’re good!

This afternoon was really beautiful, so I was going to go out and get some fleece photos, but the boys wouldn’t cooperate.
So, I decided I would take samples instead.

Went back to the house to get the nice new little shears that got just recently.
Thought I would just get a couple snips worth, as a preview.

But when I got out there, Edgar just walked right up and said “Take it off. Take it all off”

And so I did.


First he just stood there while I was clipping.


Then he sat down.


And I just kept on clipping.

At some point, the other guys got curious and came around to see what was going on.


I had Frank climbingup on my back, and Chone nibbling on my ear.

Crazy guys.

But it was fun. Edgar was so relaxed, and I just kept chatting him up, telling him how sporty he was gonna look in his new ‘do.

Probably took an hour or more.
I just took it slow and made sure not to get too close to any skin.
He’s still got a half inch to an inch of wool on him everywhere, so I don’t think he’ll get too chilly.
Seems mighty relieved to be rid of the heavy coat, actually.

And I’m glad to take it from him.



Edgar’s a bit lumpy lookin’ and the fleece is a bit jumbled,, but I think we’re both pretty psyched about how it went.

Who’s next? Perhaps on we of the big boys?
