Saturday I participated in the 1st annual Whatcom SkillShare and Barter Faire
As you might guess, my SkillShare was spinning. I brought a whole bunch of wool, carders, two wheels, and some yarn and small items to barter with if the opportunity arose.
It was a good time. I really enjoyed talking to people about wool and spinning, and folks seemed to appreciate having a chance to get behind the wheel and see what they could do.

There were also people demonstrating and instructing people on drop spindle and supported spindle spinning. So we had a whole array of options for the wool-curious to check out.
And I actually did my first ever bit of bartering! I brought home a reversible little project bag, some grapefruit scented hand cream, facial toner, and herbal soap. Mmmmm. good smellin’ stuff 🙂

Then today, much to my amazement, my stupid rope trick (see Outsmarting the Smarty Sheeps worked again! So I had the chance to spend some quality time with Frank and get the last of this Fall’s shearing done.
Here is Frankie-boy mid-shear

Oh my gosh! He actually is white under all that messy wool!

So that was cool. All the boys are fresh and sporty-lookin’.
And sewing. Lets not forget about the sewing.

Really pleased with how this is going so far.

Hope that I didn’t just jinx myself by writing that 😉
Still have most of the side and under-sleeve seams to go, but
The sleeves are in! The sleeves are in!
Can you tell how excited I am?