Author: denisemor

St. Cecilia’s First Bloom

I should have taken a bunch of photos today- the sun came out and everything is incredibly lush from all the recent rain.
I’ve got roses and raspberries and cherries all coming on so fast, blueberries not far behind.
Pretty heady stuff.

But I was was satisfied to just take it all in today. The only photos I took were of my new rose, St.Cecilia.


A valentine present from The Man, she arrived in the mail earlier this spring.
I’d always wanted this particular rose because of the really lovely fragrance-

David Austin Roses website describes it as “very strong and both remarkable and unusual; an English Rose myrrh character with lemon and almond blossom.”

Wish the photo was a scratch and sniff so I could share it with you.
She’s off to an awesome start 🙂

Chicken Report

The not-so-baby chickens moved into the pasture a couple of weeks ago.

They are acclimating ok, but as expected, the old grumpy chickens are not being especially welcoming.

The two chicken populations are mostly keeping to themselves, but occasionally they cross paths and much fussing and squawking ensues.

And,,, it’s kind of looking like we might have a couple or three roosters in the bunch.
Here are the candidates-





and Mr. Speckles (because he didn’t have a name and he’s a Speckled Sussex) 🙂


Was hoping I could capture a little bit of the crowing and posturing going on out there, but everybody was pretty cooled out this evening.
Here is a little impromptu footage from the pasture.

Also started reading another sheep-keeping memoir this week

I’m not very far in yet, but it looks promising.
I have a little bit of stay-cation coming up in a week, so maybe I’ll just save it for then!

Hot Hot Hot


Best to stay in the shade

and munch apple branches.

Or hide in the house and play with wool.

You might remember that I kind of have a thing for Zauberball.
Zauberball makes great socks. But it also makes awesome cowls.
I give you…….ZauberCowls. 🙂



Fun, eh?

Also been trying out a new hat pattern- Honegart by Stephen West


I’ve always liked earflap hats, and this one is nice and thick and squishy with the garter stitch and the honeycomb cabling.
Gotta be ready for when those cooler days come back around!

Haircuts and Hoof Trims

I got lucky and caught everyone in the shed Saturday morning, so it seemed like a good time to get everyone tidied up.

Edgar haircut cleanup 5-21-16

Edgar, Felix, and Chone finally got their rear ends sheared- so they look a little more respectable now.

We tried to trim off part of Felix’s horn that is growing down right next to his eye, but it proved a challenge keeping his head still long enough to get it done, so we’ll have to revisit that at some point later.

Felix 5-21-16

The only one who didn’t need any fussing was little Dottie. She’s got a fresh haircut from the end of March, and her hooves looked great.

Dottie 5-21-16

Got a little bit of wool-work done this weekend too-



I still only have one bobbin for Sigrid, my antique Norwegian (Swedish?) wheel, but I’ve come up with a pretty slick way to wind off singles for plying on my Lateral treadle wheel. More on that next week!