Big sheep weekend!
First off, I went to help with shearing day at Schoonover Farm on Friday-
It was a good time, and I came away from it with a lovely medium-dark brown fleece from a wether named Coco:
Then today was sheep maintenance day here at home-
We did hooves, CDT vaccines, dewormer, and CoSeCure boluses
And then I hung on to Felix so we could relieve him of his winter coat.
I almost got done. But he’s still got a hula skirt hanging low on his ample hips
And as for the Peeps-
Meet the Guinea girls!
They are just little- about 4 weeks old, and so a re too little to go into the pasture with the sheep and chickens,
so we’ve made them a little pen under the eaves of our old dilapidated chicken house.
They have a heat lamp in there, so hopefully they will be nice and comfy hanging out there while they gain some size and strength.
Welcome Peeps!
Felix is styling! Love the guineas.
Will the new peeps yield eggs eventually?
yep, they will, but I think the eggs are smaller than chicken eggs.
I would like to talk to you about your clippers. I am teaching 5th graders about Colonial life and the value of sheep. I can’t bring a sheep, but I would like to have a pair of hand shears. Where can I get some like yours?
Hi Barbara- I got my shears from Premier 1: see
HI, I’m contacting you because I am about to acquire a Pirtle and I’m looking for as much information as possible about it. Do you love yours AND do you know how to contact Paul Pirtle? I see that he posted here last summer.