Death, Taxes and Unknitting

These three things are inevitable.

1. This weekend,  3 of our poor, long-suffering goldfish bit the dust. Scooped the little buggers out the pond yesterday.

2. Waited until the last minute this year, but got the taxes filed this morning, and

3. Finally mustered the courage to unknit a good portion of the Experimental Sweater. It’s not surprising that there is a need to unknit, seeing as it is an experimental sweater, and I’m figuring this thing out as I go. But it was hard to do, because I had pushed through and pretty much finished the knitting on it before I came to terms with the fact that the yarn I chose was just Not Quite Right.

Right color.
Wrong weight.

It just wasn’t hanging correctly. Felt to heavy at to bottom to be swingy, like I imagined it.

So I’ve ripped.

Recently Unknit BL

And now I must start again-

Border Leicester fleece

But, the wonderful thing about knitting is, you can always have a do-over.

Denise out.

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