Tag: gravel

Rockin’ in the Pasture


Yeah, this week we had a bunch more rock delivered.


I think it’s pea gravel.

So, today we had the tractor out and were truckin’ gravel around to the edges of the pasture where my sweet sheeps tend to wear down paths and expose the bottom edge of the fence. Gotta keep that fenceline tight!

Re-rocked right around the boys’ shed and playground (rockpile), too. Hopefully that will prevent it from getting muddy once the rains start.


Also picked the last of the apples off our big King apple tree today-


It wasn’t a great year for apples here, but we managed to pull in about 7 boxes-
Any that hit the ground got pitched into the pasture, to see if the boys would give them a try.

They are a little slow to try new things, but it appears there has been some nibbling…


We were scheduled to give the guys a pedicure this weekend, but I couldn’t manage to get any more than three of them in the shed at one time, so we eventually gave up and decided to reschedule.

Frank was being a big scared-y sheep. He had everybody all worked up and suspicious.
This is about as close as I got to the crazy bugger all day long


I’m so excited about my quinces! They’re not quite ready yet, but maybe in a couple of weeks-


Did you know grow straight out of the ends of the tree branches?


Neat, eh?

Sweater progress continues apace,


And I even managed to get some spinning done this week!


That’s Frank/Felix on the left, and Spike to the right.

Whew, I’m beat.