And I have a little bit of souvenir wool to show for it!

That’s Gulf Coast Native roving from Pioneer Fiber Mill in New Smyrna Beach, with a little bonus raw sample of Hog Island wool, which I haven’t worked with before, and wasn’t available the last time I’d visited. Here’s a closer look at the locks

It’s only about 2 inches long, but seems nice and crimpy, and should be great for long-draw spinning once it’s washed and carded up.
Just before I left, Teti Lutsak came out with a new pattern- the Candelaria blouse, that really spoke to me, so despite it being a small gauge, charted pattern, I just dove in and took it with me as my travel project. Progress has been kind of slow, but I am happy with how it’s looking so far-

I’m knitting it in Esther singles and Knitting for Olive silk/mohair. They are slightly different weights, but I think that the fuzz/fluff factor of the mohair is going to make it work out ok. Or maybe I’m just deluding myself. Only time will tell 🙂 I do love that tangerine color.
And the travels spins-

The uppermost guy in the photo got a little too much spin in the ply, so i might experiment with backing that out just a smidge. Not sure yet. Will see how I feel about it in a few days.
Alrighty. That’s all the woolly news I’ve got for now.
Have a good week everyone-