
My Life in Six Words, and a new project

See Tina’s blog for the background on this one. I think this is an interesting idea.

So here we go-

“following my gut seems to work”

“landlubber, homebody, spinning off into space-”

“all wool is grass- get mowing!”

I’ll try to think of more later.

Right now my mind is consumed by the need to identify a new knitting project.

I’m seriously considering the “Urban Aran“, probably cardiganized, ala Jared.

I love those cables, and it looks like the pattern would be compatible with my aran weight three ply Romney.  (That stuff really wants to be a sweater)
romney three ply swatch

But I really want to do another EZ seamless hybrid. Maybe I’ll devise a way to seamless-hybridize the urban aran. Those sleeve cables would look really nice continuing all the way up the saddles, don’t you think?

Me too.

Guess I’d better get swatching.

Sun-day, and fresh reading material

Finally! I was starting to think this whole weekend would be wash-out.

We got some work done despite the drear, but I’m continually amazed at how strong an influence the sun has over my mood and energy level. Even if I’m inside.

Right now I just want to go out an soak it up for what is left of my weekend. Maybe read the new issue of Interweave Knits. Or reread, I should say. It came on Thursday, and I’ve pretty much canvassed it it this point.

But I go thorough many stages in my reading of a knitting (or spinning) magazine.

First I flip through, back to front, getting an impression of the patterns. If something really catches my eye, then I may linger over the photos for a while, and take a look at the pattern, to get a sense of how it’s put together.

In stage two, I generally survey the articles- reading photo captions and scanning for items that strikes a chord- a new technique, a featured fiber, etc, etc.

After the initial rush of excitement that a new issue brings has worn off a bit, and I’ve regained my attention span- the third round is where I really dig in, actually reading articles and digesting the content. This stage can get drawn out for a while, especially if I’m mostly reading the mag while I’m eating breakfast.

In the fourth level of magazine review, I’m looking at details- mostly in the patterns. Daydreaming about possible yarn substitutions, imagining various modifications, how I might use that lace pattern in some other project, or sometimes just marveling over how lovely or clever a project is, just as presented.

Then the magazine goes into “resource” status. I start looking at the ads and the links. I get on my computer and visit sheep farms and yarn stores, and think about any trips I might be taking in the near future. I daydream of vacationing in New Zealand or some other wool-rich destination.

I’m on step three right now. Usually I don’t find much of interest in Summer Issues. Lots of cotton and linen, shells and sweater sets. I’m more of a Fall issue girl. Wool, in lots of rich colors. Texture and depth. But there are some things to like in this issue, particularly the Tidewater Wrap, and the Wakame Lace Tunic . I also really like the neckline on the Delft Tiles Tee.

Oh- and here is some more of that sweet Corriedale that I’m working on:

The color is really nice. Cool, pearly shades of gray. What do you think it wants to be?

Finishes and Start-ups

Would you believe, I finally finished my handspun, designed-on-the-fly sweater vest!

And I have pictures-

sweater vest front 0408 resized
sweatervest side view 0408

Yes, indeed. Actually, I had 99.5% of the knitting a couple of weeks ago, but it was the finishing that held me up in calling it “done”.

I’m really happy with how it turned out, especially considering that I didn’t have a very clear plan when I started out. The only snag I encountered was finishing the cable trim around the back of the neck; I had to do more short-row shaping than I expected to make it lay down correctly. Here is a shot of the back of the neck:
sweater vest back neck detail 0408

Also, I put the finishing touches on socks I knit while conferencing in Anaheim:
sungard summit socks 0408

Yes, they are fraternal, though some of the differences are subtle (cable directions and such). I might never do identical socks again! This is a great way to use up odd partial-skeins.

And this is what I’ve been spinning –

new spins 0408

Shetland, Corriedale and Romney, in a beautiful range of natural colors to add to the stash.

And so, now the question is- what’s next?

Hats for next Christmas? Another sweater for The Man? a boatload of socks? Whatcha think?

I’m thinking I might soon offer some of my handspun on , as I am spinning faster than I am knitting these days. The plan is that yarn proceeds would go into Denise’s Sheep Fund, to help support the work necessary to make our homestead “sheep-ready”.

So maybe that is the next big project- getting myself organized.

Stay tuned.

Doin’ the Puyallup

The weather didn’t actually seem that bad when we set out at 8am.

The forecasters were talkin’ up a crazy weather pattern that was dropping snow and freezing rain all over the rest of Western Washington- but I was not to be deterred. We were going to the fair, and the Shepherd’s Extravaganza contained therein.

Denise at SE

And it was great. Was nice to be amongst fiber people, visiting with sheep and examining show fleeces.

Eileen Hordyk of Sand Hill Sheep & Wool was there (behind me in the photo above) doing her “Shearing sheep on a Stand” workshop (same one I saw in Stanwood back in January), and had Some of her Romney’s there to show as well. Here are some sheep I met:

First, some sound effects to make you feel like you’re right there in the barn-


Then we’ve got pretty white Romney girls-
Denise w Romney ewe- SE

This guy is a Lincoln (pretty short fleece- he must have been shorn earlier this spring)
Denise w Colored Lincoln- SE

And then a Gotland cross. Gotlands are pretty rare in the US, but Franna Pitt at EverRanch Farm is breeding them (using AI). Nice fleece!
Denise w Gotland Cross-SE

And this is a colored Romney ewe. Love that chocolate-y color!
Colored Romney-SE

I spent quite a bit of time checking out the fleeces entered for judging:
Denise at Fleece show- SE

I really enjoyed reading the judge’s comments on each, and being able to compare many fleeces of different types. There was a lot of really great wool for sale, but I managed to keep my head and depart without any purchases (I can’t hardly believe it myself!)- but I did get photos of some especially tasty treats:
award winning targhee fleece-SE

award wining merino-romeldale fleece-SE

another jacob fleece -SE

Moorit Shetland Fleece- SE


Now, is that mouthwatering stuff, or what?

I didn’t catch any workshops, but I did talk to a woman doing a spinning demo:
In Samoyed's Clothing- SE

Yes, indeed. She is spinning (and wearing) Samoyed. Her friend’s name is Topper, and he’s a rescue pup.

Very neato.