
Thank the Sheep

This weekend was gloriously warm and sunny.
Perfect for washing fleece!


Here are Felix and Griff batches drying on the picnic table.

They looked so gorgeous sitting there that I just had to take a minute to thanks the sheeps that make this all possible.

So I went out to visit the guys and spend a little time telling them how cool they are.

And I took them some of their favorite treats- salmonberry branches.



What a cool bunch of guys.

Also wanted to provide an update on the Monkey Sweater.

Here’s the thing. It was done. Off the needles.


And I liked it.

But I didn’t love it. And it was my fault.
I made it too large.

I can wear it (and have), and the shoulders fit fine, and the sleeves are the right length and everything.

But somehow the body is too big. Baggy.
And when I wear it, I think it looks kinda schlumpy.

And I don’t want that for the Monkey Sweater.
I want to love the Monkey Sweater.

I’ve been thinking about it alot.
And I tried it on again yesterday and came up with a plan.


I’m taking it in.
All the way up each side and through the underarm.


According to my not-so-scientific calculations, that should bring it back to Perfect Sweater size.


I intend to operate tomorrow.

Wish me luck.

Off the Needles!

Despite my neglect of the blog, I have actually been making steady progress on the Monkey Sweater.



It’s 99.9% done.

Only a few ends left to tuck in.

Maybe I’ll get to those tonight.

I think this is the fastest I’ve ever finished a fleece-to-sweater project.
Almost exactly 2 months.
I already had a few skeins of the yarn spun, but that’s a pretty quick spin/knit for me!

And it’s the first sweater I’ve spun on “Spedj”- that’s the name I’ve just settled on for the Lateral Treadle Wheel.

Next Up:
Monkey Hat

Yeah, I’m still in Monkey Mode.

Meet Miles (on the left)


Sheeps and Peeps

Big sheep weekend!

First off, I went to help with shearing day at Schoonover Farm on Friday-

It was a good time, and I came away from it with a lovely medium-dark brown fleece from a wether named Coco:



Then today was sheep maintenance day here at home-

We did hooves, CDT vaccines, dewormer, and CoSeCure boluses

And then I hung on to Felix so we could relieve him of his winter coat.


I almost got done. But he’s still got a hula skirt hanging low on his ample hips 🙂


And as for the Peeps-

Meet the Guinea girls!


They are just little- about 4 weeks old, and so a re too little to go into the pasture with the sheep and chickens,
so we’ve made them a little pen under the eaves of our old dilapidated chicken house.


They have a heat lamp in there, so hopefully they will be nice and comfy hanging out there while they gain some size and strength.

Welcome Peeps!