Author: denisemor

Bow Market Fiber Day+ Lambie Surprise!

Hey- so the Bow Market Fiber Day is coming up fast! If you’re looking for some woolly goodness, make sure to swing by Thursday afternoon.

I’ll have yarn,


blended batts


and hats!


I’m also working on some natural colored yarns that coordinate beautifully with the flashy dyed skeins.


So we’ll see how much of that I can get done by Thursday 🙂


And, I wanted to share something special I got in the mail from my mom this week.
My gram’s cast iron lamb cake mold.


I’m told that it originally belonged to my great, great grandmother, who probably brought it over with her from Germany. It’s in good shape, but needs to be cleaned up and re-seasoned before I can try to make my first lamb cake.


I’ve always been more of a cookie baker, but I’m so excited to give this a shot!

Three Posts in One

(In no particular order)

Baby Chickens Venture Forth

Despite my best efforts to keep the baby chickens in a safe and secure nursery environment they are on the loose in the shed and pasture.

We have one mama with one week old chickies



And another mama with three week old chickies


Really hope these girls know what they are doing and can keep the young’uns safe.

Nautical Knitting Was Awesome!

Sunrise in the San Juans

Live-Aboard Kitty

Knittin’ topside

View from a porthole

Knitters furling a big honkin’ sail.

Our illustrious instructor

Main mast and lots of rigging

Magnificent sunset hues

And a bit of woolly colorwork as well

Dolores Has a Wrap


Is she stylin’, or what? 🙂


Her Name is Dolores

But I keep accidentally calling her Esther 🙂


Still working on her shawl. Hope to get that wrapped up later tonight or tomorrow.
So for now she is nekkid.
And sitting up high on a shelf, because Gus is way too interested in her.

I think she is super cool, with her felted Felix curls hairdo.

Now she needs outfits!

Baby chicken update- Mama#1 is doing well with her two bebes. They are about 2 weeks old now and growing fast. Mama#2 has hatched out two chickies over the last couple of days and continues to sit on the remaining eggs. She’s the girl who raised up 12 chicks last year, so she’s got some experience with these things. Hoping that she sticks with it to get the other eggs to the finish line!

The Heat is On

Current conditions at the homestead

7-29-18 weather

Things should become more tolerable when the sun goes down in a few hours. Until then, I am pretty much hiding inside other t han to check on critters every once in a while.

And speaking of critters, please give a big welcome to our two newest farm friends



Yep. Couple little chickies hatched out last weekend. Few other eggs that must have been added to the nest at some point later have been transferred to another speckled sussex girl who is also in a broody frame of mind since mama #1 gave up sitting on them yesterday.

In other news, Dolores is coming along nicely-


Since that photo I she has gained ears, and now I am working on legs. hoping that by next weekend she’ll be all assembled and outfitted!

And I’ve also been working on spinning up some Chone from 2012 that I unearthed in the re-organization of the wool room last weekend. I think the reason it was still hanging around after all this time is because it had a bit of dandruff or something in it. But with some re-carding and spinning kind of fine to open up the fibers and let the debris fall out, I actually got a really nice result in my first skein!


It’s very lofty and light


And despite the intense heat outside, its got me making cozy sweater plans.

Accuweather says it’s supposed to start cooling off after tomorrow. Lets hope they’re right!