Author: denisemor

From the Fair to Fiber Day!

Whew- weekend has gone fast. Almost out of gas, but wanted to share some photos from Friday at the NW Washington Fair where I volunteered for a shift at the Wool Show.

yarn I spun while demo-ing at the fair, right off the bobbin….
and after finishing. what a difference a bath makes!

Saturday I picked blueberries and blackberries from the yard to make this-

blueberry & blackberry galette with cornmeal crust

It is scrumptious. Highly recommend:

And I’m also working on getting three more little lamb puppets ready for Fiber Day at the Bow Market, which is this coming Thursday!

If your’e in the area, come out and see us at Samish Bay Cheese, 15115 Bow Hill Road, Bow. Market runs from 1-6.

Have a great week!

Back Ashore & Felting

Nautical Knitting on the Zodiac was awesome- here’s me standing watch at the helm

And Abby the boat cat taking over my bunk-

We had great classes with Mary Scott Huff- all about stranded colorwork and steeking. I fell in love with this sweater she brought as one of her samples

And I managed to get my alpaca hat done while I was onboard (yay!)

Since I’ve been back, I’ve gotten back to felting- five more sheets done!

And finally circled back around to put faces and decorations on my two new lamb puppets.

Posy, Milo and Nora

I’m really close to finishing my Forest sweater vest, but it’s on hold for now as I’m getting some things ready for the Bow Market Fiber Day- which is coming up fast! Hope to have a couple more lamb puppets done by Aug 22.

Have a great week!

My (Project) Bags are Packed!

Just back from a conference in Portland, where I made sure to support the local yarns shops in downtown-

That’s some lovely Rambouillet roving from Fierce Fibers in Hillsboro, OR from Pearl Fiber Arts, and

a big ‘ole hank of Galler Yarns Heather Prime Alpaca in Deep Turquoise from Unravelled. Yum.

I’ve been wanting to get some more felting done, and got as far as layering the fibers, but way too hot out to be playing in the sun with hot water. So for now they are just rolled and awaiting their transformation.

And, now I’m headed out on another adventure- this time on the water. Nautical Knitting on the Schooner Zodiak! I just got the most important part of my packing done- my current project (alpaca hat) and materials for the three classes that we’ll be having onboard with Mary Scott Huff

so glad I made a bunch of these little bags!

My yarns, needles and notions organized, and I’m ready to set sail!

Bok Bok!

More felty fun in the works- I’ve been working on a chicken pattern, and I think I’m finally on the right track. Here is my prototype-

This one is in some quilted cotton from the fabric stash- since I didn’t want to waste any handmade felt in the design stages. The head will look decidedly more chicken-y once it has a beak and comb, but those are add-ons after the primary assembly. Bok bok!

I’ve also got a couple more lamb puppets newly assembled, waiting to get their faces and other styling. One Shetland and one Border Leicester-

Am so excited about making up a bunch of these guys in different natural colors.

And in real, live sheep news, I’m happy to report that Daphne seems to be getting along nicely with the rest of the gang. Here they all are enjoying some apple branches the other evening-

And, she actually came up and took some alfalfa pellets from my hand yesterday and let me scritch her on the top of her head. Such a sweetie 🙂