Author: denisemor

Welcome to 2011

Meet the newest household critter, Mr. H.S (Hand Spun) Bear.


He’s got a little bit of a shifty look,, but I think he’s pretty cute. And I love his nifty sweater. I kind of think maybe he needs a little smile… but I’m not sure. What do you think?

It’s been mighty cold (by PNW standards) here over the holidays,, and we’ve still got snow on the ground from last week!


Silly sheeps are covered in hay and have snow all over their noses


But the days have been beautiful, with blue skies and lots of sunshine-


The woollys don’t seem to mind the cold so much, as long as their water isn’t iced over and they get their treats on schedule (ivy and evergreen branches are a big hit)


Inside critters are curled up on the couch, by the woodstove, and in bed.
Wally had a thought the other day that he wanted to be a lap dog


but that didn’t last too long. Too much dog, too little lap.

Stash abatement continues- this is some dyed Romney leftovers and alpaca I just carded up


And I think I’m going to have a go at selling some of my handspun at a local shop- NW Handspun Yarns in Bellingham, so I’m getting some of my wares ready for the shelves


Hope your new year is off to a good start!



Always such a nice surprise to a have a beautiful sunny day in late December!

Everyone here was out and about-

Chickens expressing their chicken-ness


Wally taking a break from sniff patrol

Wally and backup singers.jpg

Syd consults with our Cy Young award winner


Kitty was out there somewhere too,, but stayed mostly out of sight.

After the weekly hoof check/treatment, I spent a little time working with the boys on halter training.

“Oh no, here we go again!”


Frank, Chone and Griff were pretty crazy. Floppin’ and fussin’ all over the place.
(this was Griff’s first time) But Felix and Edgar actually did pretty well.
I’ll have to work with them more regularly if I want them to be manageable on a lead come shearing time!

Time, Kelp and Friendliness

This morning I made a major breakthrough with Griff.


He took some sheep treats from me.

Not out of the bowl.

Directly out of my hand!

Really. Truly.

Did my heart good.

Perhaps enough time has passed (he’s been here almost 6 months)

Or maybe he really digs the kelp meal I just put out for them and he’s saying “thank you”

Or maybe, just maybe I’ve just won him over and now he wants to be my buddy.

Whatever the reason,
this morning when he trusted me enough to come over and nibble some goodies he really made my day.

What a nice Christmas present 🙂

Edgar says “I think it was the kelp. Yum.”
