Author: denisemor

Moving Right Along

Shadow is shaping up nicely!

Sleeve #1 is blocked


and Sleeve #2 is underway-

Really enjoying this knit. Nice cable pattern that is easy to memorize.
Little nervous about the sewing up part, but I guess I’ll figure that our when I get there.

I’m also doing some planning for the next project- a Chone and Spike Cobblestone

I’ve liked this pattern for a long time, and just had someone express interest in having me make one, so here we go!



plus Spike




I just love doing swatches.

Shadow Stages

I got a start on the new sweater in earnest this week.

I’m well into sleeve one

Shadow sleeve1

and I think it’s going well. Won’t know for certain if my gauge calculations are on until I get this piece done and have a change to block and measure it.

I like the pattern. It’s got a nice rhythm to it. Somehow the cabling makes it seem to move at a good clip, too.

Dug through the stash, and it looks like I’ve got five more skeins of Edgar and Edgar/Griff to work with, so that should hold me for a bit-

Edgar Griff yarn2

And I just carded up a few more batts.


I’ve got Edgar/Griff fiber in ever stage of production right now.

Neat, eh?

Binding off, Casting On

I’m mighty pleased to announce that I have (essentially) finished the Shepherd’s vest!


It still needs to be blocked, and the ends woven in, but the knitting is done.

So that frees up my needles for the next challenge, Shadow, from Wool People.
Just finished another 400 or so yds of Edgar/Griff for this project,


and I have a few other skeins already in the stash, so I’m set to get a start, but will probably have to do a fair bit more on the yarn-generation side as I go to get to the finish line on this one.

My yarn is a bit lighter-weight  than Shelter, the yarn specified in the pattern, and so will have to do some knitting math to adjust stitch counts and such. Looks like size 6 needles for this one.

Here is the happy little swatch-


I’ve looked hard at this pattern to see if there is any possible way to translate it into a seamless, in-the-round construction type of thing, and it was making my brain very tired.

So, this is going to be the first sweater I’ve ever knit in pieces and then assembled.

Yep. Really.

Wish me luck. 🙂

Haircut Buddies & Sharing Spaces

I think that Chone has forgiven me.


The silly bugger was really good for most of the haircut, but then out of nowhere he just kind of flipped out on me and he refused to let me finish. So now he’s got a really silly lookin’ fluffy butt.


Here’s his album cover shot.  He likes this one because you can’t see how silly his rear end looks.


Thought this was a cool shot of Edgar’s one-month grown out fleece. Starting to get a little curl back on the tips.

Looks so cute and sporty.


Yeah, I got all short and sporty this week, too. Probably not showing off to best effect here, but you get the idea.

Sadie got all brave and ventured into the pasture with us this morning. Here are she and Edgar negotiating her visitor privileges.


Thought this was a nice shot of the rivals playing nice and getting pets.


On the other side of the fence:

“Wow, did I just lay that?”


and “Hey, are you going to be done anytime soon?”


“Can’t wait any longer. Sorry!”
