of the loom, that is 🙂
Just pulled it off tonight.
I originally thought that I might try different patterns in this piece, but I just really liked how the plain weave looked in the different natural colors.
Nothing fancy. But it’s beautiful to me.
It’s really quite long. About 9 feet.
So now I get to figure out what to do with it! Probably would have been more versatile fabric if I’d made it a little wider. But no worries! I’m sure the right use will present itself.
Anyhoo— this means I’ve got to get it warped again!
And I’ve been working on some handspun Edgar warp for the next go-round. Got about 200 navajo-plied yards so far.
Probably need another 200 before I get started.
Here it is posing with a possible weft candidate (Frank/Felix)
I haven’t decided on my next sweater project yet, but the needles have not gone cold! I’ve got some Frankensocks cast on with sporty sock yarn leftovers
Here is Chone inspecting-
and I have some Crazy Zauberball on standby in case I need more time-
I’m such a sucker for the Zauberball.