Author: denisemor

I Felt That!

This week’s hat, pre-felting


and on my head for scale.


and here it is after a trip through the washer and drier-



It’s got a soft  fuzzy halo from the mohair in the yarn, and the multicolor yarns “cook” down so nicely.


Working with these fun colors this week got me inspired to do a little more dyeing.

Teal, yellow, moss green and red should give me lots of nice blending  options.


II especially  liked the range of shades I got in my red batch.


That will be a lot of fun to play with once it dries, but in the meantime here are the beginnings of next week’s hat.  Gotta have something on the needles!



Bigger and Greener

The grass is growing again!


Amazing what about 5 inches or so of rain will do!

I’d already harvested all our potatoes and carrots, but the zuchinnis are still doing their thing.
And I’ve been kind of forgetful about checking them recently.

You probably know what happens when you ignore zuchinnis.
It’s a good thing that Edgar and the boys seem to enjoy them.


That’s a mighty big squash.


Party in the pasture!

The Flip

I admit that I have a wheel stalking problem.

I cruise Craigslist. I monitor Ravelry forums for antique and other wheel ads.

And every once in a while, I even do a OneCraigs search, just to see what’s out there.

Guess what was out there.

Yeah,,,, there’s a Rio Grande wheel out in Colorado.

The Rio Grande is a really cool, unique wheel, and you don’t see them come up for sale used often.
But it’s really big. And so difficult to ship.
There’s always the Wheel Railroad (yes, there is such a thing), but a couple of days after I saw the posting I had talked myself out of pursuing it.

Because my Super Custom Spinning Wheel with the Spindle Mod works very much the same way a Rio Grande does.


I just needed to get back to my work on developing my Flip technique.

What is the Flip?
It’s easier to show you than to explain-

The flipping action is from :39 – 1:20

Neat, eh? She makes it look so easy.

This weekend I took some time to work on my flip.
Slow it down, break down the movement, see what works.

And the results of my practice-



I think I’ll work them into a cap something like this


Have a great week!

Denise 🙂

Rainfall and Windfall

It was quite a weekend, weather-wise! Blog was delayed due to power and internet outage, but now we’re back in business, and glad to have come through it with minimal damage.

Here is a dark cloud photo to set the scene

I was pretty excited at the prospect of getting measurable rain, but I didn’t think about the high winds that were expected to accompany it.

Saturday morning we lost power at about 11 am, about the same time that our beautiful fig tree, which was having an awesome summer and growing like crazy, took a big hit. Poor guy.


Last time we had a big wind storm this tall poplar dropped a huge branch in the pasture that kept the boys busy munching for weeks. Here Frank is standing by just in case it lets go of another one 🙂


He never got the big payoff, but we did get lots of tasty little branch-lets that the boys have been enjoying.


A lot of apples hit the ground, too-


So the sheep and chickens really made out on this one.


And I think we gotten about 2 inches of rain so far. Yea!

Edgar is excited too, but he’s playing it cool.


Have a great week! I’ll be at the Bow Little Market again this Thursday, so drop by if you’re in the neighborhood!