Author: denisemor

Thank the Sheep

I have an awful lot of things to be thankful for.

But this Thanksgiving, I’m giving thanks for my sheeps.

That might seem silly, but you see, I’ve had a thing for sheep from a long time back.
Long before I learned to knit, or spin.
Before I even really made the connection between wool and sheep.

I think I was about 9 or 10 when it started.
I saw a stuffed sheep toy in a shop window in downtown West Dundee, Illinois.

Beau Peep was the sheep that kicked off the craziness.
And then for a number of years, for every holiday or occasion, I was gifted stuffed sheep of all shapes and sizes.

I no longer have the original “Peep”, but I do retain a few distinctive members of my childhood flock.





It was only once I learned to knit, then spin, and started falling down the wool-lined rabbit hole that it all came together for me.

When I was younger I felt I never had a good answer for the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

But the clues were all there.


So I’m thankful to be able to have my very own sheep friends after all this time.
It feels like it’s where I’m supposed to be.

Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

Taking the Plunge

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Holiday Market on Saturday. It was a nice day hanging out with other craftspeople and drinking spiced apple cider, even if it was really rainy and nasty outside.

I was able to rehome a few hats, but still have plenty of inventory, and so I’ve finally got my stuff together and listed items for sale on Etsy.

So if you still need a one-of-a-kind, homegrown and handcrafted hat for a gift (or for yourself!) please go take a look. Many thanks to The Man for taking all the photos.

I have earflap and stranded colorwork styles listed so far. Hope/plan to have the remainder listed within a few days.


Shades of Edgar

I was doing a little housekeeping (gasp!) up in the wool room yesterday, and came across a bag of fleece that I’d forgotten I had.


Yep. That’s fall fleece from a yearling Edgar. And look at the color!
I’d almost forgotten how dark his fleece was when he was a young-un.

Here it is carded up, and side-by-side with a sample of his fleece from this past spring


Amazing how he’s faded out over the last 5 years, isn’t it?
I just figured that it was normal aging, and kind of like how the lighter color looks overdyed, so didn’t think a lot about it.

But check this out.
This is Edgar fleece this fall.


It looks like he’s regaining some of that lost color. Not reddish-brown like he was as a baby, but definitely brown.
I’m wondering if it might be a result of changing the mineral that I’m giving them, as I started that in probably February-March.
