Took part in a garden swap event this afternoon over in Alger-

and found homes for a bunch of extra seedlings. In exchange I got bunch of other cool stuff- rosemary, lemon verbena, wild bergamot, bee balm, echinacea, shasta daisies, golden hops, calendula, and some beefsteak tomatoes. So that was awesome. Nice that it was good weather for the outside event.
Some shots from around the garden-

And in wool news, I’m planning another sweater vest for my friend The Shepherd, of Marietta Shetlands. So, getting to know the yarn, and swatching to find the right gauge for the project

The lighter yarn above is for the vest. First one I did (on the right) on size 5 needles, second one (top) size 6. Think I like the feel of the second one a little better. So now it’s time to do the math and get this baby cast on.
But what is that other pretty little swatch? the smaller gauge on in the rich brown? That is a sample of a fleecy treat that I acquired as a prepayment for the vest project. Just couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Really beautiful stuff from a sheep named Cali.
I know. Like I don’t have enough wool. 😉
One can never have too many veggies or a wool. I think you need to get a grip on life.
Love your Blog!! Very informative. Like all your Rodies! Always fun to see what your knitting being knitter myself. take care!
Thanks Linnell- rhodies are just getting going now- we’ll have a wall of color out in the side yard very soon. Haven’t featured a lot of knitting content of late, but hopefully will be casting on for The Shepherd’s new vest shortly!
heh heh. I agree with you in theory,,,, but as a practical matter it turns out you can have too many tomato seedlings 🙂
Your seedlings are really taking off. I am b go lad to see you are doing another vest for The Shepherd. Plus more wool!
thanks Donna. the timing is good for starting another vest- kind of between big projects right now. And that fleece is just amazing. going to be so much fun to spin!