Survivor, Poultry Edition

This week’s chicken drama involved an eagle attack.

Yep- an interrupted eagle attack, fortunately.
No photos, but I’ll set the scene for you.

Heard a big kerfluffle out in the pasture monday evening, so I hustled out to see what had everyone all worked up.

About halfway out there I saw some big flapping and realized that it wasn’t a false alarm.

As I ran up to the fenceline, yelling and waving my arms wildly, the eagle attempted to take off with the buff orpinton girl in his talons, but he couldn’t keep ahold of her and she tumbled to the ground.

There were feathers everywhere. And I didn’t know how badly she was injured.
But she managed to slowly scramble back to the shed.
After giving her a little time to calm down, I gathered her up and checked her over to see the extent of her injuries.

Amazingly, she only seemed to have one major wound, on her left back quarter.
It’s not pretty, but “only a flesh wound” and hopefully recoverable.


Only the Blue Cote gives away her status as a gimp.

But for now she’s laying low in the nursery pen


Where she mostly sits up on the stool, looks out over the yard and calls to the other chigs.

I’m taking her sassy attitude as a good sign.

In knitting news, I’m really close to finishing the body of the vest. About 2 more inches to go.


And, I think that this project might have finally cured me of my fixation on that circular motif. 🙂

Hopefully very soon I’ll be ready to sew and cut the steeks, and move into the finishing stage.
Woo Hoo!


  1. Michelle McMillen

    Wow, we just don’t have that kind of predation here! The vest looks fantastic; can’t wait to see you model it!

    • denisemor

      Yeah, seems like we’ve got pretty much every kind of predation out here. Hadn’t seen an eagle up close like that in a bit. Man, they are big birds!
      I’m pretty excited about the vest- hoping it will become a wardrobe staple 🙂


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