Cookie Break

And by Cookie Break, I mean that I am taking a brief break from the cookie madness to let my mind wander to fibery topics.

Started spinning the Frank/Felix fleece this week- and have one navajo-plied sample skein so far.


Also finished the Shalom and blocked it out. Looks like it’s actually going to fit me! So that’s cool.
It just needs some finishing around the arm-holes, and buttons- then it will be go straight into service in the wardrobe.


Can never have too many layering options this time of year.

Next week I should have a really cool Christmas surprise to share. It’s still in pieces now, but hopefully will come together within the next few days. I can’t wait!


    • sheepsclothing

      thanks farmlady- actually it’s worth it even before christmas day. I mailed everything out on the 18th, and now I can pretty much relax and enjoy the holiday!


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