Tag: vet

Close Call, Vet Call

Edgar’s had a tough few days.

Thursday evening after I got home from work a neighbor came by to tell me that she had seen Edgar on his back struggling and unable to right himself that afternoon. She and her son hopped our fence to help get him back on his feet, and he kind of staggered away.

When I checked on him that evening, he was kind of sluggish, with some swelling around his left eye. I gave him some GasX and baking soda and he seemed to perk up a bit. Also trimmed some wool off him in hopes that it would make it easier to get himself back up if he flipped over. But I had no idea how he ended up on his back in the first place.

I stayed home Friday to keep an eye on him.
He seemed ok but subdued when I checked on him in the early morning, and I kept a pretty close watch on him throughout the day.

Sometime in the early afternoon, I think he took another tumble, but was able to get himself back up.
When I got to him he was stumbling around in a circle, and he seemed kind of discombobulated and unsteady on his feet.

I started thinking that perhaps he’s eaten something toxic, so I did a sweep of the pasture to see if I could find anything suspect.
Found one outcropping of mushrooms on a rotting poplar log, and took some pictures to post online and see if I could get a positive ID.
Gave Edgar some activated charcoal capsules.

A little while later he was on his back in the shed. I raced out there to help him. His breathing was very fast and shallow and I steadied him until he was able to calm down and get settled in a good spot in the shed.

Then I called the vet.

He got out to us around 6 and I gave him the run-down on what had happened so far.
By this time, Edgar had recovered from his last fall, and was not in any kind of obvious distress, although his left eye was drooping and he was still kind of listless.

The doc checked his temperature, eyesight, rumen activity, heatbeat, looked for any signs of abdominal discomfort, tested his balance, and I don’t even know what all else. Didn’t seem to be any obvious answer to what was going on. In the end he took two vials of blood to test and see if we can figure out why he seems to be having seizures.

I haven’t heard anything back yet about the results of the bloodwork. But feedback on the mushrooms from a couple of mycology sources agree that they are not toxic (flammulina), so probably not the source of the problem.

We’ve been monitoring him closely over the weekend, and he seems to be improving, up and grazing with the rest of the crew, and this evening his left eye appears more normal.

To me, the most encouraging sign is that he is slowly getting his Edgar ‘tude back.

I really hope that he’s on the mend.
and I am so thankful for the folks who saw him in distress and came to his aid on Thursday afternoon.

So keep a good thought for Edgar. He’s had a tough couple of days.