Cleaning out the sheep shed today and found a couple of objects of interest in the sofa cushions, so to speak-
Felix’s recently shed mini-horn.

What I find so interesting about this is that it’s all hollow inside- where there was another little horn right behind it. That’s kind of neat. It did bleed some, though. That’s how I’d noticed that he’d lost it Friday morning.
And someone’s regurgitated CoSeCure bolus.

So I’m only 4 for 5 (as far as I know).
No telling who coughed it up. Oh well.
Have made fairly good progress on the vest this week, but it became very clear by the time that I finished the fronts

that I wasn’t going to have enough Huey left for the whole back.
So, off I went to the stash to see what might work.
Among all the skeins of handspun that I have hanging around, I have a few that would have been a nice color complement, and another couple that might have worked texture-wise, but nothing that was the right weight.
Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.
The solution: Back to the wheel!
Texture-wise, I figured that Frank’s long, wavy rear-end fleece would probably be the best match.
My thinking- spin the long silky locks into a nice low-twist single, that I could then chain ply into a soft, lofty aran-weight yarn.
Thankfully, I already had a batch washed up!
And I think that the creamy white looks really sporty with the caramel-y Huey hues.

That’s a solid base hit to center, scoring Huey from third.
Way to go Frank!