Yesterday we brought a new girl home 🙂
Her name is Esther, and she’s of CVM/Romney/Icelandic parentage- so kind of a big full-figured gal. Too much sheep for the back of the Subaru! (how I brought Dottie home last year), so we had to get out the big blue truck.
Here is Esther contemplating the ramp we rigged up to get her into the back…..

And safely loaded up.

Thankfully it wasn’t a very long trip, and we got her back out of the truck and settled at home without much fuss. She’s a sweet sheep and was a pretty good sport about the whole thing 🙂

She’s just getting her bearings in her new environment, and Dottie has been making sure she knows who is the boss out there, but I think that she’s going to be a great member of the flock, and a good buddy (she’s very people-friendly).
Welcome Esther!