Category: Blog

Four Egg Day

How, you may ask, do you get four eggs in one day when you only have 3 chickens?


You bring home more chickens!




We brought 5 new hens home Saturday afternoon. 3 rhode island reds and 2 ameraucanas.

Things are a little tense right now between the old and new chicken tribes.
There have been a couple of confrontations, but so far no injuries, so I’m hopeful that with a little time things will settle out. (fingers crossed)

On the sheep front, I finally got Edgar and Chone tidied up-



And got a start on Felix, who is now a partially white sheep again!


He was actually being pretty cooperative and I probably could have finished his haircut Saturday, but we had to break off to go and collect the new chickens. Was nice to get a little quality time with Felix, because he’s kind of a shy guy. And such a sweet soft fleece!

In knitting news, Classic Oak cardigan is blocking now, and I hope to start assembling sometime this week.


So far, so good!

Some Assembly Required

The parts are almost complete.


Only a bit of a sleeve cap to go.

If this weekend was only a couple hours longer, I might have been able to swing it.
But as it stands, it will probably be cast off tomorrow at lunch.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that I’m done.
Not even close.

Next comes the blocking, and seaming.

Here’s a quick dry run on the assembly-


Then there is the button band/collar.
And finally, sewing on the button and a nice little tag in the collar.

But it still feels pretty good to have all the pieces (almost) done.
Pretty, pretty good.

The Long and Short of It


All on one sheep.


Or should I say two sheep



Both Edgar and Chone both volunteered for shearing, and sat patiently while I clipped away the front halves of their fleeces-
but then got all fussy and refused to let me finish.

They walk around like they are sporting the lastest in ovine fashion.

But Frank thinks they look pretty silly.


(he’s not the only one)