Category: Blog

New Digs for Chigs

This weekend the chickens (chigs for short) moved in with the sheeps!

We put the wheels back on the coop and parked it next to the sheep shed, since that’s where the chigs hang out must of the time anyway.

Having some technical website difficulties right at the moment, but will have photos of the new set-up soon.

Go Hawks!

Fresh Ideas for Fall

I need to tell you about a great new book I just got!


It is a great fair isle resource, with motifs organized by stitch count (yea!) and also color variation ideas, and how each element looks repeated out as an overall pattern.

Just finished my first hat inspired by a chart in the book-


All natural sheepy colors. I love them.

I also got word that I’ve been selected to participate in the Bow Little Market Holiday market on Nov 14, so that’s cool. How many hats do you think I can knit between now and then?

Speaking of hats, here is the thick and felty goodness that came of last weeks pile of fruity odds and ends-


I Felt That!

This week’s hat, pre-felting


and on my head for scale.


and here it is after a trip through the washer and drier-



It’s got a soft  fuzzy halo from the mohair in the yarn, and the multicolor yarns “cook” down so nicely.


Working with these fun colors this week got me inspired to do a little more dyeing.

Teal, yellow, moss green and red should give me lots of nice blending  options.


II especially  liked the range of shades I got in my red batch.


That will be a lot of fun to play with once it dries, but in the meantime here are the beginnings of next week’s hat.  Gotta have something on the needles!



Bigger and Greener

The grass is growing again!


Amazing what about 5 inches or so of rain will do!

I’d already harvested all our potatoes and carrots, but the zuchinnis are still doing their thing.
And I’ve been kind of forgetful about checking them recently.

You probably know what happens when you ignore zuchinnis.
It’s a good thing that Edgar and the boys seem to enjoy them.


That’s a mighty big squash.


Party in the pasture!