The needles, that is.

JUiST no 2 is designed with a rolled neckline, but since I’d hemmed the bottom edge and the cuffs, the rolled edge on the neck just wasn’t sitting right with me. So this afternoon it went back on the needles to get a different finish.
Picked up stitches and knit 3 rows, one turning row, then another 3 rows and whip stitched it down on the reverse. A quick try-on confirmed that the revision was a success! So now it’s blocking. And maybe it is truly done.
I’ve been steadily spinning up a worsted weight Esther yarn in hopes of starting a sweater soon, but no firm plans yet. I’m torn between doing another JUiST and another Smokeshow. The spinning has been really enjoyable, working up the singles on the SpindleCycle, then chain plying on Moto.

Now that I’ve pretty comfortable with the flip wind-on technique, I find the spindle spinning to be a lot of fun. And fast!
Out in the garden, I finally harvested this year’s one and only Petite Gris de Renne melon

It was SO tasty. Worth waiting for, but a shame that it was a solo act. I think next year I’ll go back to trellising them. Perhaps they didn’t get enough attention from pollinators sprawling on the ground?
Another major development in the “single fruits” category is this beautiful little quince

For those of you keeping score at home, this is the first fruit that this tree has ever produced. I can’t find a record of when we planted it, but our original quince tree died in 2012, and we replanted shortly after that, so It’s been a good long time coming.
Have a good week everyone-