I asked the folks on Ravelry if anyone had ever seen a wheel like the one I just bought last week- and someone referred me to the following video.
(My wheel makes her entrance at about 1:15)
So, it would seem that she’s more likely Serbian or Croatian in origin than Welsh,, though she certainly might have come through the UK on her way here.
Neat, eh?
(I’m still not decided on a name- gonna take another week to think about it, though I’m leaning towards Sophie.)
Yesterday, the man installed nylon bearings for her wheel (where there had previously been small pieces of cloth and axle grease). Big improvement. Wheel spins more freely now.

I think what we’re going to do next is redo the threads on the flyer shaft so that it can use Kromski whorls. The current threads are a really odd size (no surprise there).
Here is the girl hanging out in the yard with the first two skeins of yarn that we’ve collaborated on.

With her current ratio (approx 5:1), she does a really nice soft spun single.

Anyone know of a woodworker that makes custom bobbins?
In other news, I’ve reworked the Zauberball socks through the heel. I was distracted for a bit trying out a different kind of heel shaping, but in the end, decided to stick with my usual style.

And in honor of the lovely fall weather we’ve been having, I dyed some East Friesian wool and blended it with white alpaca. I’m calling it “Nothin’ but Blue Skies”.

Have a good week!