It was a beautiful weekend here- and I managed to get the shearing started in earnest.
No in-progress shots, but here is the girl all tidied up and looking fresh and springy-
And the take-
So, one down, 3 to go!
Tried to get ahold of Dottie today to make a start on her haircut, but she was pretty wary, so that will have to wait until later-
Meanwhile, in the shed, chickens enjoyed basking in the sun-
Except Welsie, my welsummer hen, who is intent on being a momma. She had taken up sitting on eggs in the most popular nesting box, and was getting a lot of flack from the other girls who wanted their turn, so I’ve moved her to a secure sitting location
where she can focus on the task at hand 🙂
And here’s a little shot of spring color that I spun up earlier this week-
That’s border leicester from Jonasson Farm that I’ve been sitting on since Nov. Just love those dyed locks!