Author: denisemor

Esther’s New ‘Do

It was a beautiful weekend here- and I managed to get the shearing started in earnest.
No in-progress shots, but here is the girl all tidied up and looking fresh and springy-

And the take-

So, one down, 3 to go!

Tried to get ahold of Dottie today to make a start on her haircut, but she was pretty wary, so that will have to wait until later-

Meanwhile, in the shed, chickens enjoyed basking in the sun-

Except Welsie, my welsummer hen, who is intent on being a momma. She had taken up sitting on eggs in the most popular nesting box, and was getting a lot of flack from the other girls who wanted their turn, so I’ve moved her to a secure sitting location

where she can focus on the task at hand 🙂

And here’s a little shot of spring color that I spun up earlier this week-

That’s border leicester from Jonasson Farm that I’ve been sitting on since Nov. Just love those dyed locks!

Freshly Sheared

Lamb cake, that is-

Yep- another one 🙂
But trying a different recipe this time-lemon pound cake with blueberries, and with just a bit of vanilla glaze. Dressed up with mint sprigs and tiny violets from the garden. (yay Spring!)

Really pleased with how it worked out! The lemon cake is tender and moist, and the glaze gives it a nice finish without being overly sweet.

Don’t know if I mentioned it an earlier post, but I’m also incorporating a tip I found at -flipping the mold halfway through the bake.

What I’ve learned so far:
Mold preparation is key- well-seasoned cast-iron, plus crisco worked carefully into all recesses of mold, then floured.
Reinforce the neck and ears with chopstick and toothpicks placed in batter before baking.
Do not overfill mold. only fill face side of mold level with edge. Resist the urge to let batter mound in center (use extra batter to make some cupcakes)
Flip mold half-way through the bake (30 minutes)

Still haven’t hit upon the next knit project, so working another brioche cowl just to keep the hands busy. And doing a little spinning.

Did manage to get spring sheep stuff done this week, so that’s cool. Onwards to shearing!


We’re finally catching up on our rain.

2.78 inches in the past week.

I was thinking I’d do spring sheep stuff this weekend (CDT, deworming, hooves) but I wasn’t really up for handling soggy sheep.
I’ll try again next Saturday. 🙂

I just about finished up the fingerless mitts, but came up just a smidge short on the multicolor yarn, so will have to get creative…

But I’m really hankering to start another sweater project. I just haven’t figured out what yet.

Did a little spinning this weekend in an attempt to take the edge off, but I’ve still got itchy fingers.


Cowl, Bags & Book

Been really enjoying working my Esther and Dottie yarn into a cowl-

It’s so soft and squooshy, and the round and round rhythm of the brioche stitch is very satisfying.

Also finally finished up the batch of zipped project bags that I started a few weeks back-

Making a few of these little guys has helped build me confidence in my zipper-installation skills.
I think maybe I’ll try one of her other bag patterns soon- like a tote or a backpack.

And I came across an interesting book the other day at a local bookshop-

Seemed like it might be right up my alley 🙂

Have a great week!