If I can keep up working one inch per day, I should be up to the shoulders by the end of the month, and will have plenty of time for finishing, washing and blocking. That’s the plan, anyway.
But I’m also trying to make time to get some more little sheep puppets going. This weekend I gave Milo a curly hairdo
And some newly assembled lambies got their peepers-
Out in the pasture things are really wet, but sheeps are enjoying windfall apples that are plentiful this time of year.
I’m really happy with how it turned out, and expect it will get lots of wear once the weather turns cool. Instead of buttons at the base of the collar where there is overlap I am using a cool hammered copper shawl pin that I picked up at the WSU Country Living Expo last year. I think it gives it a little artsy flair 🙂
And as soon as I had that wrapped up, I fell headlong into another vest project- this one for John of Marietta Shetlands. He brought me the yarn on Saturday- and hopefully I can turn it into a sharp-looking vest in time for the Fiber Fusion even in mid-October. So no time to waste. I’ve been swatching and putting together a plan, hoping to cast on for real tonight or tomorrow.
swatch #2, size 3 needles, drying in the sun
(Funny, I didn’t even notice until just now how similar the diamond pattern I selected for John’s vest is to the cables in Forest. Some sort of weird subliminal thing going on?)
Anyway- as if that wasn’t enough excitement for one weekend ,,,, look what followed me home yesterday!
I think I’m calling her Elsa
I’m such a wheel junkie. 🙂 But how can you say no to such a beauty?
She’s in excellent shape, and it looks like she might even be able to share bobbins with Sigrid, my other Scandinavian wheel. She’s also got adjustable maiden slots.
Cool, eh?
And she’s a sweet spinner. Seen a lot of service, as evidenced by the grooves worn in her flyer arms
Bow Market Fiber Day was fun- I brought my drum carder and talked to lots of folks about processing wool, keeping sheep, and all kind of stuff.
The lamb puppets were very well received. Lots of smiles, nice comments, and Posy and Nora found new homes 🙂 So that was cool. I’m going to try and get a bunch more made before the Holiday market on Dec 7.
Now that Fiber Day is the rearview mirror, I’m getting back to some projects that had been sidelined for a bit.
First priority is wrapping up my Chone Forest vest!
Saturday I washed and blocked the pieces-
It dried very quickly, so today I got down to sewing it up!
I’ve got the shoulders connected and the neckline assembled, but still have to seam the sides and do the armhole finishing.
So close! Maybe I’ll get the finishing touches done tonight- but more likely tomorrow or Tuesday.