Author: denisemor

Call of the Wool’d

Finally did some more shearing!

Esther was today’s lucky winner. She was a pretty patient with me, so I did get her whole topside done.

Her undercarriage is still pretty messy- will deal with that later.

Whole lotta dirty wool off that girl. Probably at least 8 pounds worth washing. And another couple that will make a really potent tea for the garden.

But it’s amazing how bright white she is underneath, and she loves the good rubs she can get once her heavy coat is off. The other sheeps of course gave her a hard time when she was turned out with her new haircut.

I hate it when they are buttheads to each other. 🙁

Felix was smart to stay out of their way. While the rest of the gang was running Esther around, he came over and got some yummy alfalfa pellets.

That’s a good boy, Felix!

And speaking of critters, This week I came across one this week that has really captured my imagination

Meet Joris I have already cast on and knit his six-pointed head

He’s going to be such a cute little creature. And I have a feeling he’s gong to come together pretty quickly.

Have a good week folks-

Prime Garden Time

None of the sheeps seem very excited about being sheared yet, so I’ve been concentrating my efforts on garden work.

In the hoophouse, seedlings are making good progress, with squashes getting up-potted into 4″ and taken off heat, and little tomatoes starting to put on their first true leaves

They look really nice and sturdy, and have such cute fuzzy stems 🙂

Planted some more herb seeds this weekend- Basil, Dill and Fennel. They are taking the spot on the heat mat vacated by Delicata, Jarrahdale and Zuchinni. Also planted out some of the little cukes in the hoophouse. Here they are alongside the peas that are finally getting settled in an taking off (with a short barrier to keep Yellow Chig from trampling them)

I’m also very excited that some of my cuttings from last September appear to be rooted.

Two roses in the back are Saint Cecilia, and the apples in front are from our big King tree. First success I’ve had in a while with cuttings- rhodies I tried last year didn’t take, but that might have been due to the poor condition of the bush I was trying to clone (?)

And, we took delivery yesterday of a cool new thingee for growing herbs and greens. The plan is to station it somewhere on the cement slab in the hoophouse. We got the rolling base, with it, so placement is flexible. Once the herbs get a little further along we’ll get it filled and assembled-

And in knitting news, I’m still corrugated ribbing mode. This time using recently acquired rare-breed wools I mentioned a couple weeks ago- Manx Loaghtan and Zwartbles.

Both breeds were really fun to spin. Lots of character. Highly recommend 👍

Small Comforts

Got the first bit of shearing done this week. Topside of Fiona.

She was pretty felted all down her back, so I tried to get it off in one piece as much as I could.

Gus is pretty taken with it, so I’m thinking that perhaps once it’s washed up I’ll turn it into a comfy bed for the tiny boy.

So that’s Gus’ little comfort.

And for me- this week I’ve been enjoying some corrugated ribbing. So easy and satisfying. Two handed colorwork without any chartwatching or stitch counting, Just round and round in knit and purl. Balanced and relaxing, resulting in a nice squishy substantial fabric.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 🙂

Bring on the Spring

Happy Spring Equinox everyone!

It’s kinda cool and drippy here, but things feel a lot spring-ier in the hoophouse with the little seedlings making good progress.

Tiny ‘maters are just starting to grow their first true leaves! Such sweet little ‘mater babies.

And I’m continuing to stretch my color palette- this week adding a few more green shades, a juicy orange,

and one that reminds me of dryer lint 🙂 (drum carder remnants blended into a tweedy, vaguely purple-y hue)

And, I had a chance this week to play with a bit of a rare breed wool that I picked up recently at NW Yarns in Bellingham- Manx Loaghtan

Spin notes: spun singles from the fold on Elsa (larger whorl), chain plied on Moto (speed 3.5) 2 oz., approx 83 yds

Was fun to try a new wool- and I’m happy with the result. Toothsome, but cushy and with a bit of bounce. I expected the staple to be a bit longer- I think that this was maybe 3″ max , and the feel of the fiber was quite dry, but perhaps that’s down to the processing. I’d be really interested to get some fleece and see how it works up start to finish.

The other rare breed sample I picked up is Zwartbles. Think I’ll spin it up in the same style, and perhaps use the two together in a small project.

Alrighty folks- take care, and be excellent to each other.