Author: denisemor

Hey Hay Hey!

Guess what we got this morning!

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Yep, that’ll keep the boys for a while, I think.
Got a ton (literally) of hay packed in the woodshed.

In other news, I’ve won over Felix and Franklin with goodies and ear scritches,

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and so I thought I’d give halter training a go!
The halter that we got from Premier one is still too big for the tiny sheeps, so I thought I’d make one from some heavy duty handspun yarn-

And here it is on our lucky first contestant!
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It fit ok, but it’s really hard to keep the thing on the woolly buggers, especially when they start acting like bucking broncos!

So, I finally just let him wear it around for a while.

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“Hey Frank- little help here?”

He finally came back to Maaaaa to see if I’d set him free.

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Then everyone went to take a break behind the extra gate up against the shed. (seems to be a favorite spot)

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Some pretty scenery from around the yard today-
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Have a great week!

Remembering Bruno

Bruno was such a good boy.


We brought Bruno home from the Skagit Humane Society in 1999. He was just a youngster- probably under a year old.

Bruno and Denise 2

And we went on to have all kinds of great adventures over the years-

“On Duty” in Leavenworth-

bruno denise leaven

Taking in the scenery at Deception Pass


Staying at a fancy hotel in downtown Seattle-


Playing at the Dog Park!



Building Fences-


Getting his very own kitty!


Sharing a moment over coffee-


Posing for the Christmas Card photo-


We both loved Bruno dearly, and he will always live in our hearts.

He was a very special boy.

It is hard to be without him.

bruno blurry running



To “The Man”, Who Makes it all Possible

rainbow 5-25-08

Happy Anniversary, babe.

Though this isn’t one of those big “round number” anniversaries, it felt like a good time to reflect on how our life has changed and evolved over the years.

12 years ago,

You were about to leave for six months in Turkey.

We had just bought our first house, new construction on a tiny lot in a neighborhood with an HOA.

We had no pets.

We’d never built a fence.

I didn’t have a ball of yarn to my name (and didn’t know what I was missing).

You drove a Chrysler LeBaron convertible, and owned maybe one power tool.


We know that we’ll be home together every night.

Home is a little old house on a couple of acres out in the boonies.

We have two dogs, a cat, five chickens, and 5 sheep that will be arriving shortly. (!)

We’ve done more home improvement in the last five years than most people do in a lifetime.

I have raw fleece stashed in the laundry room closet.

Your third truck is a tractor, and the shop is overflowing into the garage.

But one thing has not changed.

You’re my very favorite person.  And I’m so glad I dragged you down the aisle.

Thanks for sharing the adventure.  (And special thanks for hanging in there with me for the fencing. I know it’s been rough.)

With love, for always-
