Sorry. Couldn’t resist the Bladerunner reference.
But really- that’s today’s story!
I don’t think I mentioned this earlier, but The Man got me an EarthHues dyeing kit for my birthday this year, and I’ve been really anxious to give it a go.
But first I needed a big pot. And a burner.
This weekend it finally all came together!
Here is the setup:
And here is the yarn and fleece all snug in the pot with the alum solution getting mordanted:
I left in in there overnight to cool out, then got a start with the actual dyeing this morning.
First up, Quebracho Red!
Filling the pot-
Dissolving the extract-
And everything in the pot!
the second pot was going to be just Pomegranate, but it seemed to me once it had been cooking a while that it was too khaki, and not enough yellow, so I added some Weld.
And here are the results-
Or most of them anyway. I did some fleece too, but it is all jumbled and messy looking right now and didn’t want to be photographed until it made itself more presentable 😉
Pretty pretty pretty.
I think I’m hooked.
Next up- madder and indigo!
And, here is the mystery knitting project of the week(s)
Anyone have an idea what it is?