A few weeks ago, it was merely mystery knitting.

Lacking form and focus.
But it has grown.
And as it has grown, I’ve kind of come to like it.
The simplicity of it. Just knitting around. and around and around.
About 45 inches around, going on 30 inches tall.
And the colors. So many shades of brown, gray, almost-black, taupe, silver.
I have named him Stash Monster. StashMo or Stashie for short.
Tamed by the needle, the wild stash has become a friendly, comfy pet of a project.

Still uncertain what will eventually become of StashMo. (He’s beyond “sweater stage” now)
He might get blanket-ized.
Or he might get felted and assembled into a jacket.
But for now, he’s happy being the main focus of my knitting attention.
Sit StashMo. Sit.

Good boy.
Other yarns of note:
First Griff sample of 2012 is in, and it’s a winner!

Think I might have to reserve this one for my long-awaited Brownstone.
And I’m about 2 skeins shy of my necessary yardage for the Classic Oak Cardigan.

what remains to be spun

Hope to get this on the needles by June 1.
(Don’t tell Stashie!)