Author: denisemor

Doggin’ It

Saturday we had an errand to run down south, so we turned it into a trip to our favorite dogpark!

Marymoor Park in Redmond, WA has an awesome off-leash area. It’s something like 40 acres and has trails, open grassy space and water features.

It was a beautiful day, and we all had a great time. (I think I like going to the park as much as the pups do!)

Sadie Marymoor2 Oct13

We walked, and met all kinds of cool dogs and their people,

Sadie Skye Marymoor Oct13

Went and got some lunch, then

Skye Marymoor Oct 13

Yep, we came back and walked some more!
The second time, Sadie and Skye both took the plunge and did a little paddling-

Sadie Skye swim Marymoor Oct 13

Hey hey! Who’s a happy girl?

Sadie Marymoor Oct13

Good Dog Day.

New Favorite Hat

A quick and satisfying little knit (from the bottom skein in the pile from 3 posts ago)-


and a perfect fit!


Thanks to a little afterthought earband.


Which makes it snug and secure.

I can tell we are going to have lots of good times, me and my new favorite hat-

Winter is right around the corner, and it’s already gettin’ kinda nippy.

Next up, some toasty and hopefully hard-wearing mitts!


Walk-Ins Welcome

Just take a little off the front, ok?


It was a beautiful sunny day (might be our last for a while), so I jumped right on getting the partial fleece washed up and dried


I wish he would have stuck around for a more complete haircut, but he seems pretty pleased with the style- and the other guys know better than to poke fun at Edgar. 🙂

In other news, I spun up some of that Mr. Fancypants Chone+dyed mohair blend from my carding extravaganza a couple weeks back-

And am so pleased with the results!


In the bus-knitting category, the teal/green/chartreuse skein skein got the nod.
It is well on it’s way to being a light and smooshy feather and fan stitch cowl.


Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Or maybe lime squeezy?