I think that I might love locker hooking.
I’ve had the hook for a couple of years, but only just today did I give it a try.
It’s a long hook, with an eye at the end, so that you can attach a yarn and run it through the loops you’ve hooked to “lock” them.
I have been wanting to do this sort of thing for a while, and had also tried out the Oxford rug punch tool, but the locker hook is more my speed.
It’s more versatile, as you can use it with materials of different weights.
Hopefully once I get proficient at this it will be a great way to use up odd bits of yarn. No end to the odd bits of yarn around here!
And since I’m still spinning and figuring out what to do with the brightly colored yarns from my dyeing adventure a couple weeks ago, I’ve started another shawl.
Same pattern, different colorway- and a little bit larger gauge.
Just started the lace trim. I do love this knitted-on edge.
So that is this week in wool.
And this week in the playoffs, Hawks Win! Hawks Win!
Next up, San Fran. Should be a heck of a game.