Author: denisemor

For the Sheepy Booklist

I keep meaning to tell y’all about a book that I read over the holidays.

Picked it up at the Cannon Beach Book Company when we were down there in mid-December.


The Shepherd’s Life- Modern Dispatches from an Ancient Landscape

Up in the fells of the Lake District in northern England folks like James Rebanks raise Herdwick sheep, a heritage breed of sheep that is amazing hardy and awfully cute


But the book is about more than the sheep. It’s about community, and family, and belonging to a place.
It’s not romantic, and not sentimental, but full of love for the landscape and the lifestyle.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, and might even read it again.

And if you want some cutie Herdy merchandise, check out

Monkey See

Monkey Do(s)!

2016-01-24 19.02.27

Not that I get to keep these guys, but I’m calling this one Mel.

2016-01-24 19.03.04

And this is George

2016-01-24 19.03.36

And Frieda

2016-01-24 19.03.58

And Maggie

2016-01-24 19.13.59

I still have some slabs of felted Frank and Felix wool available for use as monkey hairpieces, but I think I need a little break.  Gotta get some knitting done this week!

Argyle Accomplished, Monkey Business Resumes

They are done.


And I love them. I think I would make another pair, now that I’ve got the hang of it, except for all the ends!
I’m going to think about it a while and see if I can dream up a way to reduce the amount of weaving in required.

I’ve gotten a bit of a start on Burr (yep, I’ve decided to just go for it), but it doesn’t look like much yet, and the black yarn is so hard to photograph, so we’ll revisit that later.

But in other news, I’ve found another use for fancy Griff curls-
Check out the ‘do on that monkey!


Yep. I’m back in monkey production mode. Once they are assembled and embroidered these guys will be going to a local non-profit that provides temporary housing to kids who are having to enter foster care.
