Author: denisemor

Chone Burr Update

The Chone Burr project is moving along at a pretty good clip!

I’m close to finishing up sleeve number two (last piece piece in of the pattern), so to keep things going I am blocking the back and fronts.



Hopefully they will be dry when I’m ready to start assembling and picking up stitches for the button band and collar.

I estimate that blocking, assembly and finishing will take approximately 20 hours, so there is still much work to do, but I feel like it’s coming together nicely.
But I still need buttons. Hadn’t even thought about that until just now!

And then there is the wool.
I have all these lovely fleeces to wash up.






I wonder what they want to be.

Rainy Day Shearing

Yesterday was beautiful. So sunny I think I got a little bit of a burn.
Today not so much.

But the icky weather did provide me with an opportunity to get some shearing done. The boys were hanging in the shed to get out of the heavy rain, and I jumped at the chance to relieve them of their fleeces!

Frank and Griff were not exactly thrilled to be getting the beautyshop treatment (even with lots of rubs), but were pretty cooperative once I got the halter on them.

Felix was kind of a bugger, and the quality of his haircut reflects that.  He just wouldn’t let me get that last bit of scraggly wool off his rear end. So he gets to walk around looking really silly and unkempt for a bit.

Felix and Frank were quite felted again. But Griff’s was awesome. Crimpy and fluffy and massive. Man, that boy grows a lot of wool!
Here is the wool take (after skirting out the positiveley not useable stuff) drying in the shop.


And Friday I got to help out with shearing over at Schoonover Farm. It is always so neat to see Eifion Morgan work, and I brought home a lovely little fleece from Wynette, a sweet little Gotland/Finn/Shetland girl. Here she is being sheared-


and here is the woolly goodness.


Part white, part black, part steely grey. Fine and soft, with a bit of Gotland sheen. Going to be so fun to play with!

Chicken Playpen

This weekend the little chigs graduated from their box in the shop to a playpen under the eaves of our big old dilapidated  chicken house.

2016-03-19 10.33.34

It’s a pretty sweet little setup, with lot of room for them to run around and flap and hop, all securely closed up with chicken wire, and bedded with pine shavings.

They still have a big box with their heat lamp to come home to and stay toasty, and it seems that they are getting acclimated to the new surroundings pretty quickly. And when it gets dark, it looks like there’s a party going on in there! (I put a big chunk of gnarly wood there on the left, just because they like jumping on top of stuff)


In sheepy news, I got a little more Edgar shearing done- I’m back to his hips now 🙂


The rest of the boys seemed kind of curious about getting sheared,  milling about at the entrance to the shed-

2016-03-19 16.43.48

But of the remaining four, I was only able to convince Chone to let me clean up around his neck a little.


Now he can get good neck rubs. That’s all he really cares about


Have a great week!

One more time, with feeling!

The Chone Burr sweater is back on track, and rolling along smoothly this time.

Chone Burr1

(I frogged the first attempt, after screwing up some “at the same time” instructions in the pattern.)

I think my row gauge is slightly off from the pattern specs, but I should be able to compensate for that without too much trouble.

It doesn’t look like much yet, but I’m really excited about the project, and I’m really, really enjoying the yarn. It’s like getting to hang out with and pet my little black sheep on the couch, at work..anywhere I want to take him 🙂

Chone Burr2

He’s got a heck of a fleece on him this year, too. There is a tiny little bugger under all that wool!


I was hoping to do some more shearing this weekend, but the weather hasn’t cooperated. It’s gone back into cold and stormy mode- a step back, despite having just “sprung forward” for daylight savings time.

But I’m getting a garden plan together- got my potatoes (Russian Banana and Rose Finn) and seeds for the other garden staples from the farm store this weekend. I know it’s early, but it always seems like things start moving so fast this time of year!
