Spinning My Wheels

It’s times like this when I’m glad to have hobbies that I can get lost in for a bit, and try to tune out the news of the day. Just keep spinning. Just keep spinning. Spinning, spinning- what do we do, we spin (and VOTE!).

So here we go-

Shortly after I posted last week, I washed up that sample of Hog Island fleece. It was nice and fresh, and so cleaned up quite easily to a nice bright white that even seems to have a little bit of sheen.

Little bit of veg material throughout, but that is not a concern. The plan is to spin it up pretty fine, so most of that will fall out in the drafting.

This short, spongy fiber really wants to be spun woolen, so I pulled out the hand cards and whipped up some rolags

And then proceeded to long draw those babies out on the spindle wheel!

That’s just under a half ounce of singles on the quill.

Chain ply, wash, thwack, dry, and voila! Cutest little sample skein 🙂

But check this out- this yarn is so springy, that the finished skein is only about 2/3 the length of the niddy noddy I wound it on. So almost 36 yards turns into just under 25!

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that sort of shrinkage before. Very interesting.

Progress continues on Candelaria-

I really want to get it off the needles for a quick try-on, but my Purl Strings rubber tubing thing isn’t working as well on these tiny, kind of grabby stitches, so I haven’t managed that yet.

I might have to bite the bullet and use the old needle and thread method. But it’s a lot of stitches. Quick math is telling me approximately 440, given the starting cast on count and 35 rows of yoke increases.

It feels so yummy. Light and fluffy. But I know I’d better try it on before I start decreasing to shape the sleeves.

So i guess I’ll make myself do that.

Ok, folks. that’s all I’ve got for now. Take care, and keep your knitting close.


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