This weekend I picked the Jarrahdale and Oregon Homestead Sweet Meat squash that were growing in the compost pile.

Lots of good eating there! And with the vines having completed their mission, I cleared them out to prepare for the harvesting of the compost itself, which I think has probably been cooking for at least a year now.

Rich and crumbly- can’t wait to get this good stuff into the garden beds.
Had Daphne and Fiona in the shed for hoof trim/treatment today and got a couple decent shots of how their fleeces-
Daphne’s crazy sunbleached ringlets

And Fiona’s champagne superfluff- which is showing more promise with each passing year

Daphne says “hey”- and wants to know if you brought ‘falfer pellets. 🙂

I will be waiting til next spring to shear these girls- and hoping that they don’t manage to crub them up too much over the winter!
Your squash and compost look amazing as does your upcoming wool.
thanks Donna- all about the simple pleasures, amirite?
I love sweetmeat squash, but can’t grow winter squash in my garden worth beans. Fortunately, there are gardeners at my church that share.
i think they must be pretty heavy feeders. mine always seem to be happiest when they grow directly in the compost pile!