Resolution Realized

Don’t know if I’d shared this previously, but for the last couple of years I’ve been resolving to start participating in my local Spinning Guild. Each January I would think- “I could use a little more engagement with other fiber folks in the area.” I know that I’m lucky to live in a place where there is a lot of interest and activity in woolcraft, but I’ve been mostly doing my thing in isolation for the last few years.

Yesterday the stars aligned, so to speak- and I had a day with no particular agenda, and a meeting happening. So I packed up my small upright wheel Sophie, some fiber, and my current knitting project and headed out!

It was a beautiful day, and nice that the trip up to Everson is all on back roads. Meeting was easy to find, and the group was very welcoming. There was a little bit of group business, sharing of projects and materials, and lots of spinning. I got through a flashy multicolor batt that I took to play with, and plied it once I got home-

(Blendy batt yarn on on the left, plied up bobbin ends on the right)

This week I’ve also decided to take another run at the JUiST pattern that I bailed out on last year. I really want to do an Esther memorial sweater, and JUiST seems to have just the right comfy vibe. But I needed to do a test run, since the short rows and new-to-me kind of increases kind of threw me last time, and I had a hard time visualizing how the should shaping would come together.

I’m very pleased to report that it’s going much better this time around.

I did a quick wet block yesterday, just a couple inches short of where I’ll separate the body from the sleeves, and it’s looking really promising. I think that last time I messed up the short rows, because I have very little patience for written out directions.

Now that I’ve worked through it once and the shoulder shaping makes sense to me, I really like the scheme. I’ll finish this sweater up with miscellaneous stash yarn, and assuming it fits and it comfy, will begin to plan and spin for my Esther pullover.

Have a good week everyone-

Ps- Also starting to think about the next WSU Country Living Expo, and if it might be fun to mix up the woolcraft class offerings. Suggestions are very welcome.


    • denisemor

      yeah, I hadn’t been in so long I can’t even remember exactly. but was nice to hang out with other spinners, and someone had brought a whole bunch of fiber to destash, so I even came away from it with some goodies.


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