Last of the garden tomatoes

Just harvested squash yesterday-


And a volunteer pumpkin hiding near the compost pile

Dug the last of the potatoes as well, but they aren’t as photogenic 🙂
Zinnias hanging in there-

But the Black Night Scabiosa that I thought I might try dyeing with are long gone to seed. At least I got a batch of marigolds cooked this summer. Maybe the Scabiosa will self seed and come back next year to give me another shot at it.
Last but not least we’ve got the warm taupey grey shades of Octavia fleece, fast on it’s way to becoming a vest

It’s kind of slow going, but I am really enjoying working this pattern again. And I’m pleased that the yarn seemed to be a good match for it. It’s nice having a substantial project on the needles.
Alrighty folks- that’s all I’ve got.
Last Alger Sunday market of the regular season is next weekend. Hope to see you there!
Lovely harvest. Enjoy!