Custom Projects

Featuring a couple special requests today- one completed, and the other still underway.

Completed- one skein of dog 50/50 fur & wool blend yarn.

Was pretty pleased with how it turned out- very light and springy thanks to the Jacob wool in the mix. And check out the fuzz factor on the swatch!

and the in-progress is The Shepherd’s next vest-

7 inches in, and one full cable panel repeat down. Really like how it’s shaping up!

Tentative goal is to have it done by early October. It’s not a quick knit, with the front and back cabling, but feel like I’m getting into a rhythm now, so hopefully it will flow along at a reasonable pace.

Have a great week everyone- and if you’re in the area, hope to see you at the Alger Market Fun(d) Raiser next Saturday (yes, it’s usually a Sunday Market, but this event is Saturday instead)!


    • denisemor

      thanks 🙂 i’ve heard that spinning straight dog fur can be kind of tricky. in this case she only had a small amount, so going 50/50 made it possible to get a decent sized skein. still lots of fuzz!


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