Are this weeks yarn!

Very blendy. That was fun. But I wasn’t inclined to spend time carding this weekend, so this week’s spin is going to be a fancy Polwarth/Silk blend that I purchased a couple years ago from The Artful Ewe in Port Gamble, WA.

I’ve not decided yet how I’m going to approach it, but I’d like to get some decent yardage from it, so I can maybe use it in a sweater yoke- thinking it might look nice against Fiona’s soft beige-y tones.
And in anticipation of seed starting later this month, I took some time today to do some housecleaning- hoop house cleaning, that is.

Thankfully the twinwall cleans up pretty easily. Little bit of simple green. little bit of elbow grease.
And we’re off to a fresh start!
Oh- and I ordered some dye plant seeds from Botanical Colors today- Madder, Dyer’s Chamomile, Marigold, and Black Knight Scabiosa. Been meaning to get some madder started for a long time now, so nice to have taken the first step. 🙂
Have a great week folks-
That is so cool that you are getting dupe plants. How perfect!
Dye plants!
Dye plants!
thanks Donna- yeah, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. think this is the year to get it going! sounds like madder takes two years before you can harvest the roots, so will be a longer-term project