One year ago today The Man and I pulled the plastic over our hoophouse, wiggle-wired it securely into place, and breathed a big sigh of relief in getting it successfully enclosed in time for starting garden seeds.
This year, we’ve been able to going a bit earlier, and so the veggie starts are well underway.

Everybody is coming along really well so far. Those I started earliest, broccoli and onions, have been off heat for a while now and I planted some out this weekend.
The new garden bed is shaping up nicely, and I think I’ll have room for squash (Jarrahdale and Delicata) and potatoes (yukon gold type and some finglerlings) there. Some stray Russian Banana taters that escaped harvest last year have become the seeds for this season and are the first things to go in the ground over there.
I was thinking I might have gotten a start with shearing this weekend, but I kind of overdid it with digging and weeding yesterday, and my left wrist is kinda tender, so I thought I shouldn’t push it. Maybe sometime this week I’ll get a little clipping in 🙂
In wool news, I continue to play with color, blending on the drum carder for nice heathery semi-solid effects.

I think the next round might be darker shades. Some of the same color mixes, but blended with small amounts of black or charcoal grey.
The growing rainbow palette has me starting to think about possible sweater projects, but all I’ve got on the needles right now is a Hat Du Jour- using up leftover bits and little sample skeins in squishy garter stitch, the comfort food of knitting.

Take care, and have a good week everyone-
Happy Hoophouse-iversary. It has certainly been a game changer for you.
Thanks Donna. Yes, it really has- extending the growing season, and also giving me base of operations for garden work.