Things are quiet and mild on the homestead this evening. But we are supposed to have a major storm blowing in by tomorrow am.
Wind advisory in effect from 8 am Sunday through Tuesday.
Cliff Mass seems pretty excited about it . Me, not so much.
I thought I’d go ahead and post early, as it’s fairly certain that we will lose power for a good part of the next couple of days. That’s just how this usually works out. (Thank goodness for the generator)
The last Alger Market (ironically, a makeup day for a bad weather cancellation a while back) is tomorrow. And I’m planning to attend, but we’ll just have to see how it goes. Maybe the storm will hit further north and the impact in these parts will not be so bad (fingers crossed).
Last call for all kinds of woolen goodies- including sweet little sheep puppets!

Also washed fleece, carded wool, lots of yarn. and farm-fresh free range eggs. So if the weather holds and we don’t get blown away, I’ll be hangin’ in my little booth, working on my Griff Twisted Stitches Vest, which is coming along very nicely.

Just a couple more rows before I start the armhole shaping. Finally decided on a v-neck, so that will start shaping up shortly as well. Have an idea I’m playing with about doing a fold-back collar on the v-neck, but there’s a lot of knitting yet to do before I start the finishing work, and the neck opening would be the same as a regular v-neck, so I can let that thought percolate for a while yet.
Oh, and I should tell you- I gave up on my lanolin extraction experiment. Too small a sample, I think. couldn’t figure a way to separate the tiny bit of lanolin from the water and olive oil. Might give it another try in the spring when I have more greasy fleece to play with.
Have a good week folks!
So, did you lose power? Did the market happen? We did well and no trees came down that I am aware of. Love the Griff vest!
no, we didn’t lose power! yay! seems that we got off easy compared to what was predicted. i was at the market, and it was a little intense at times, but came through it with canopy intact, so thankful for that.